Two Things I Saw Today

By Albert Fried-Cassorla


While running today, I slowed down just twice.

One pause was a bit sad - the other quite nice.


First I slowed to frighten a crow who refused to fly away.

My dog strained to gain a piece of her, but I'd not give her that sway.

And when I saw the crow's two missing wings, I regretted my ignorant tease.

The creature hopped across the street and into the bushes in search of respite and ease.

Next I saw a little boy spinning wildly in the sun with a rainbow-colored umbrella.

I was so glad to see this most happy fella.

Round, round, going, going!

Enraptured by the magic of Seven! Totally in his own personal heaven.

That was the tonic -- all the knowledge I needed just then.



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