Melrose Park Neighbors



EARTH DAY - a chance to begin restoring the planet

This page last updated 5-17-01 - On this page: Earth Day info and photos


Neighbors show just one of the many results of their work! April 22, 2001.

Background: In Melrose Park, Earth Day has been recognized by the community at least since April, 2000. Previous events did occur in preceding decades, organizxed by Howard Citron. Activities have centered on neihgbors coming together to plant and clean up at Mill Run park, located on Coventry Avenue, between Cheltenham and Asbury Avenues. The amount of trash collected has been enormous. We are hoping to reduce the amount of this that emanates form Mill Run and from Philly. These efforts are simultanous with our other stream clean-up efforts.

-- Albert Fried-Cassorla

Photos by Andrew Rudin:

Work occuring near the "rip-rap," which is a stony area designed to channel large flows of storm water from nearby roads without erosion. The Town prepared the land and we planted it. April 22, 2001.

 Barricades, cones and reflective vests helped protect neighbors from traffic. April 22, 2001.