Melrose Park Neighbors



Wildlife of our area - more and more diverse!

This page last updated 3-7-01




Bear -- last seen at Coventry and new 2nd Street, menacing motorists!

One day -- February 27, 2001, to be exact -- I looked out my kitchen window and saw something stirring in a neighbor's yard that I'd never seen before...



 "Just exploring' Melrose, buddy!"

 Full scene of above.



 Deer have the right of way, according to Cheltenham traffic laws.This was the first of four deer to cross at Asbury and Coventry.

 Now the herd applied for a condo at Coventry house...


 But it does get confusing, trying to locate your sleigh in this lot!


This is a Goshawk, a bird with a 24" wingspan. I believe that this is the magnificent creature I saw sitting on a branch outside my skylight on December 18, 2000. I did not take this shot. But I think it was either this bird, or a smaller hawk that I caught sight of. It definitely had these striped tail feathers. What a beauty! -- Albert Fried-Cassorla