Melrose Park Neighbors




Beautification work continues!

This page last updated 3-3-01

We have been involved in several plantings throughout the neighborhood! Below is the scene of proposed Melrose Park Station Planting on the Inbound Side:

The area above is part of the Melrose Park Station, southbound side. This view looks northward from the platform. The suggested location for the planting on Saturday, September 23, at 2 p.m., is in the blue-lined area. First, we would need to dig and mulch.


Suggested plants for our public flower beds:

The following list from Board member Gwen Koths shows plants that are perennials, including several that are hardy and drought-resistant. When purchasing or bringing plants to an announced planting, try to bring these. (But anything pretty would be welcomed!)

Things to bring for Earth Day planting:


1. Tools -

rakes- need to clean up the area first
& shovels or spades
& trowels
& bulb planters & gloves

2. Trash bags and ties

3. Native Bushes:

Swamp Honeysuckle (Rhododendron viscosum) & Early Azalea ( R- roseum)
Flame azalea ( rhododendron calendulaceum)! or non -native - Delaware Valley white or any others
Mountain Laurel
Great Rhododendron
Carolina rose
Swamp rose
Wild bleeding heart
Cornus florida flowering dogwood

4. Native Bulbs:

Canada! wild yellow lily
Wood lily
Turk's cap lily
Tiger lily (alien)
Blue flag iris - tuber
Wild Hyacinth

5. Native flowers:

Yellow & Purple fringed orchis
Trout lily
Trilli urns
May apples
Black -eyed susan
Spotted touch -me-not
Lady's slippers
Columbine- may be too shady for
Cardinal flower- lobelia
Rose- mallows
Great Lobelia
Virginia cowslip/blue bells
New England aster, blue wood aster
Jack -in -the-pulpit
Dutchman's breeches